Tuesday, August 12, 2008

On The Subject of Hattie and Marcy

Emily, my older sister (also known as Emmo), has a roommate who is also one of her friends. Her name, for the sake of this entry, is Marcy. Next door to their house, there is an elderly couple who owns a dog, some variation of a lab. They are unable to walk the dog, so Marcy walks it, and sometimes when she is walking the dog, Emily will go with her to keep her company and get some air herself. Well, Marcy is moving, and the couple was talking about who would walk the dog when she has moved. Emily had told them she would do it if they like, and they expressed their concern to Marcy about Emily being rather small. That is a reasonable concern, because our whole family is "rather small." Emily and I are both 4'11 to 5', but we have had dogs before, and Emily works out. But, Marcy's response wasn't, "Well, I think Emily could probably handle it, she has experience with dogs," or, "She does work out, though, so she's pretty strong for her size." No, what Marcy said was, "Well, sometimes when Emily goes out with us, I let her try to walk the dog."

"Like I'm ten or something," Emily said to Mom later when relating this story.

Marcy's habits of doing and saying things like this to belittle Emily reminds me of my friend Hattie, who behaves similarly (though it took me a few years to realize it).

Hattie was my best friend from second grade through the beginning of high school. Probably in Junior High, we starting having some harsher quarrels than in the past, but in High School, her behavior at times was infuriating. It escalated from telling me I couldn't sing in fourth grade (which I found out about a year ago, isn't necessarily true) to getting really angry if I didn't want to walk to band with her in Junior High to telling me she couldn't go to the Relay For Life with me because she had work the next day during Sophomore year (oh but, by the way, she could go to the midnight showing of Spiderman 3).

I find it somewhat ironic that both Emily and I had/have close friends that have a rather strong reputation of trying to belittle or discourage us. Both Marcy and Hattie will take almost any situation to make themselves look as good as they can... or at least better than Emily or I, often in the form of making us look incompetent, unintelligent, foolish, selfish, ignorant, or weak.

Sometimes I wonder what would have been different about my childhood if I hadn't spent so much time with Hattie. For instance, would I have felt differently about my height? She always called me Shortie in elementary school. Would I have done more summer musicals at the Community Theater? She was always telling me I couldn't sing. Would I have made more friends? She was constantly complaining about or making fun of other people when they weren't around.

I don't want Hattie to sound like a complete monster. She had her good times. She has a good sense of humor and was usually encouraging about my drawing. It's just that as we got older, she seemed to get less and less encouraging and more and more belittling, to the point that, like on the night of Relay For Life, she just came across of flat-out rude and inconsiderate.

It's not really a big deal anymore. We don't hang out very much now, and she's been rather upstaged by Elsa's somewhat sweeter personality. Hattie will occasionally call and try to make plans, but between Han and Elsa, I'm nearly always booked.

I could go into more detail about how Hattie can be frustrating to be around, but I feel I've been negative enough for the day. I was thinking about it because of what has been happening with Emily and Marcy, and how interesting it was that both our friends do that. I wonder if it is them or if it is us?

<3 o.


ForeverLula said...

Is it them or you?

Maybe a bit of both. Why do I say that. Well, I'm sure you don't remember the first time Hattie talked to you like that, but you let it happen. Instead of saying something and stop her in her tracks so she can be more aware of what she says, you just let it go deciding to be passive aggressive about it.

No, Hattie nor Marcy should be making remarks like this. Yet when you let it go by supposedly being the better person, I do believe you are encouraging them. Just by not telling them what they are doing wrong.

I'm sorry you don't like to hang out with your friend Hattie & that Marcy will someday be getting the same treatment from Emily. Maybe the way both of you can deal with the situation is by being honest.

Why do I stress that you have the power as much as the negative talkers do? My sister belittled me for years. I just let it happen even though I am happy and love my life. She is two years younger than me, but I let her have that power!

How did I finally stand up and say something? Well, it involved a bottle of water that was in my hand while she mentioned my weight for the 5 millionth time. I had enough and dumped the water on her head to get her attention and then told her exactly how I felt about all her negative remarks about my life.

Her response? She said okay and then she said she was sorry and we moved on. Now we are the closest we have ever been. All because I was honest with her.

Do I advocate soaking your friend with water? Lol, no. But do something so you know she is paying attention and get your point across. Then, if she doesn't abide by the clearly defined standards you have in place, then she doesn't deserve you as a friend.

Sorry this was so long!


FMN Design said...

My sister and I stretch to the incredible heights of exactly 4'11" and 5'1". Me being the taller. ;-) That's never stopped us from doing anything and hopefully never will! She has 4 kids who are quickly topping her in height and I have two boys, that when they're older, I'm SURE will be giants in comparison to me.

I only write to be in support of other little women out there and to say, walk tall and get a good pair of high heeled shoes or platform boots!

And, it seems from your post that you've moved away from the friendship that didn't seem like much of a friendship. Sometimes people need to make themselves feel better at the expense of others. I only hope that through sharing about your experience with your friend, you can help guide your sister toward people that actually support and encourage her rather than belittle and stifle her.

Thanks for commenting on my blog, and no need to worry, I am shooting professionally. So when you're ready....I'll be there.