Thursday, July 31, 2008

On To Square Two!

The list of things that need to get done just grows and grows and grows... even during the summer! It seems that every time I accomplish something, there is a new thing (or two) waiting to take it's place. For example...

Accomplishment: I finally arrange a time to take senior pictures.
Setback: It rains.

Accomplishment: I get my bed moved. (No easy feat, since it was on top of 5' shelves and bolted to the wall.)
Setback: Han goes to the E.R. for the infection in his leg and has to stay overnight and get surgery.

Accomplishment: I arrange another time to take senior pictures.
Setback: I remember that I promised Grandma I'd go on this church trip with her... on the date I wanted to take senior pictures.

But! I think I have finally made an accomplishment with no setback! Tonight, I finally finished the angel drawing for the contest at a nearby cafe. It is due tomorrow, so I am just in time! Here it is.

( Details of her upper half, part of her wings, her harp, her face, and her ribbon/sash can be found here. )

The photography is really bad. My batteries were dying and also the light was not too good. I adjusted the brightness in photoshop because, even with the flash, everything looked gray. The only thing I might change is her mouth, and of course, I still have to sign it.

Also tomorrow, I will get my class schedule and (hopefully) Han's and Elsa's as well, which means that (hopefully) we can synchronize any inconsistencies... like lunch. It may be a little bit too optimistic to think that we can work out all the scheduling conflicts in one day, but I am going to ignore that for the time being. If all goes well, we will get it sorted out, and then I will have accomplished at least two things by the end of tomorrow! Hurrah!
...I'm certain I had more to say... but there is a really big bug over there, and it is totally distracting... See? There is always a setback... anything from hospital stays to really big cricket-things.
What square are you on?

1 comment:

Voegtli said...

I see that you are also good in drawing. I am looking forward to discover what other talents you have :-).